
photo courtesy of my friend and pilot, Anne Troyer


About Luz Rosas

For Luz Rosas, photography is her way of exploring and documenting human interactions within the community.

Her photography has been published by various local newspapers as well as grassroots community projects, both in Canada and Mexico.

“Photography is a way for me to understand, interact and explore the diversity that is Canada. An unexpected and wonderful circumstance has resulted from having grown up in a different culture and language and then moving permanently to this country. I feel as though I'm on a perpetual voyage, even while staying at home”.


Sobre Luz Rosas

La fotografía para Luz Rosas es una manera de documentar las relaciones humanas en la comunidad. Sus fotografías se han publicado en varios periódicos locales y proyectos comunitarios en México y Canadá.

“La fotografía me permite entender, explorar y participar en la diversidad cultural que existe en Vancouver. Ha sido maravilloso haber nacido en una cultura, la mexicana, y después migrar a otro país: ha sido como  viajar constantemente  sin necesidad de pasaporte”.



Copyright ©2020LuzRosas